Testimonials, NYC Alternative Massage Therapy Medical Spa Reviews New York

Most injuries and pain are cured during one Apotherapy treatment!

NYC Alternative Massage Therapy Medical Day Spa Testimonials, 119 West 57th St. Suite 511 New York City NY 10019 in Midtown Manhattan (Bet. 6-7th Ave. Across From Carnegie Hall) for alternative internal medicine, running dance sports massage physical therapy, chiropractic, podiatry, orthopedic, osteopathic, pain management, occupational rehabilitation, acupuncture neurology, rheumatology, oncology, vein, skin care, Jane’s Apotherapy, spa massage therapy: Swedish, Scar/ Deep Tissue, Prenatal/ Postnatal Maternal Pregnancy, Japanese Shiatsu, Thai, Medical, Sports, Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology & Acupuncture Point Meridian Acupressure Massage.

“I went to see Jane because of a nagging hamstring problem that prevented me from training and racing for about 5 weeks. I tried rest and many different exercises that my university trainers were telling me to do, but nothing seemed to fix the problem. I would feel good for a day or two but when I tried to do a serious speed workout the pain came right back. At first I wasn’t too confident going to Jane because the treatment is non-conventional but I was willing to try anything. Jane’s treatment did the job for me. I felt amazing after one treatment, and as each day passed my hamstring got better and better. In one week I was back training and racing at top speed. Jane saved my outdoor track & field season that seemed completely lost.”

Stefan Vutescu (100m Sprinter)
Columbia University Track & Field Team

“I went to see Jane after having hamstrings problems for about four months. I didn’t believe in eastern medicine or therapy that strays away from the typical medical treatments and is suppose to “miraculously” get rid of the pain. However, I heard that two of my teammates had went to see Jane and were now pain free, I figured that I had nothing to lose at this point so I would give her a try. After my single therapeutic session, Jane optimistically assured me that I would be fine and that taking any form of ibuprofen would be unnecessary. In fact, she was right. I ran one of my best times at Penn Relays the following weekend pain free. Ever since the treatment I have had no problems. Jane is one of the friendliest people you will meet. I highly recommend her if you do not want to spend hours at physical therapy everyday without making any progress.”

Cory Benton (400m Sprinter)
Columbia University Track & Field Team

“After two weeks of very hands off “ice and heat” treatment from our university athletic trainers for a calf strain with minimal improvement and our conference championships quickly approaching…I got desperate for a solution. And so it was with some skepticism that I went to see Jane. She told me the treatment would hurt but if I could stand it I would be fixed and better than ever. I must admit that the treatment actually felt good, and I encouraged her to work harder on my calf. After the treatment was concluded I was bruised and sore but with in 3 days I could run with out pain. On the fourth day I was able to do a workout and went on to salvage the season with a second place finish at our conference championships in the steeple chase. To anyone who reads this… trust Jane when she says that she WILL fix you!”

Jeff Randall (3000m Steeplechaser)
Columbia University Track & Field Team

Jane’s Apotherapy works wonders! I have personally gone to Jane for an assortment of weekend warrior injuries which both my doctor and chiropractor couldn’t fix. Her Apotherapy is well worth the cost as it works after one or two visits without drugs. Several of my friends , old and young alike have been cured of various muscular and skeletal injuries, some of which were nagging them for years. Jane’s success is proof of her professionalism and ability. I strongly recommend her.”

Abe Shainberg
Attorney At Law

“I called Jane’s Apotherapy office after a sudden shooting pain in my lower back and thigh. Luckily, Jane found time to see me that afternoon and I haven’t had a problem since. She was extremely thorough, professional and most of all effective. She worked out the problem area, all the while checking to make sure I was comfortable and understood what she was doing. And before letting me out the door she made me walk around to see if all the pain was gone. It was! My experience at Jane’s was wonderful.”

June S.

“I am the CEO of a bank and trust company. About a year ago, I was in New York on a business trip, staying at the Warwick Hotel on 47th St.. I left on the trip with a severe back problem, which only got worse on the flight. It was so bad that I could barely step off the curb when crossing the street. In desperation, I went looking for a therapist within a short distance of the hotel, found Jane, and made an immediate appointment. When I arrived, I told Jane to stay away from my back, but to give me a massage to make me feel better. I could barely get up on the massage table due to the pain. Jane indicated that she could fix my back, but I have to admit I was very skeptical. When she was done an hour later, she told me to get up and walk around – that I was fixed! She was right. No pain whatsoever. I did have some bruises for a few days. Quite frankly, however, I was astounded and still am. I haven’t had a problem since and I tell this story often to incredulous friends, one of recently whom took me up and got similar results from Jane’s services. What I can’t figure out is why half of New York isn’t lined up outside her office. Obviously, I am a fan and I highly recommend Jane.”

Tom W. Anderson

“Have arthritis of the knees? Hips? Don’t go for replacements. Just go to Jane for Apotherapy like I did. After just a few treatments, my swollen knees are back in shape, along with other parts of my body. The spur in my foot and neuroma pain between my toes were fixed with only one treatment. My lower back and my neck are feeling better too. Before Jane’s Apotherapy, a neurologist found a reflex in my finger (a Babinski sign) that indicated cervical spine trouble. After Jane’s Apotherapy, the neurologist couldn’t find the reflex. “What did you do?” she demanded. Jane’s Apotherapy!”

Helene Sandrowitz

“I ended up at Jane’s purely by accident. I was there to get a deep tissue massage to ease muscles strained by a recurring hip injury. Then she recommended that I get the Apotherapy instead and that she could solve the problem at the source, I was a bit skeptical but decided that if it were half as effective as she claimed, that it would be worth the money. The results were nothing short of amazing. I have never been big on alternative medicine, but I am sold on Jane’s Apotherapy. After a few treatments my hip pain was gone and my weakened muscles had their strength back. I strongly recommend her for anyone who like I did, thought they would have to just live with the pain.”

Charles Stewart

“When I went to Jane for help it was just after I had been diagnosed by a foot specialist. The doctor explained that I had a severely high arch that was affecting the mobility I had on the right side of my body and causing the constant pain I was in. I was told by the doctor I had two options to try and correct my foot and alleviate the pain. The first option was surgery that turned out to be a 50/50 proposition to succeed while the second option was for me to permanently wear a boot (A device that many athletes use while mending from leg injuries) that would not correct my foot but would instead lessen the pain my body was in. After working with Jane and under going her Apotherapy treatment I found I had immediate results each time. Right after each session I would walk around and notice I would have more mobility on the right side of my body than I did before I walked in. Today I am living a healthy and a very physically active life style. It is one that includes working out at the gym and learning how to roller blade. The real reason for Jane’s success comes because she does not treat her patients’ symptoms rather she treats the source of her patients’ problems.”

Lawrence C.

“I had been to numerous chiropractors, physical therapists prior to finding Jane. I was desperate to alleviate TMJ and sciatica which were the result of a whiplash injury. The space was very relaxing and I was extremely impressed with her range of knowledge regarding the body and healing. The relief I experienced after just two sessions was incredible. Thank you Jane!”

Danielle S.

“I was suffering from serious migraine headaches and backaches and wanted a more holistic approach for a solution. I saw Jane’s company listing in New York Magazine and gave her a call. With her kind and calm nature, she was able to relax me and solve my headaches and backaches conditions. I will definitely call Jane’s for a treatment on any body aches that I suffer from.”

Kim Marie Jones
NYC Personal Trainer, KMJ Fitness

“I had been having a problem with my left shoulder for nine months and it was giving me constant pain. I tried traditional massage therapy and chiropractics but they did not help. My Primary Care Doctor was ready to refer me to a shoulder specialist. Then I saw Jane’s shingle next door to my haircutter’s salon and I decided to give it a try first. Jane assured me she could treat my shoulder injury and she did just that in one hour. I never experienced such miraculous relief in such a short time in my life. Since then she has treated various problems for me such as a chronic pain in my right ankle that kept reoccurring at the beginning of my spring jogging season. It’s now been two years and I never had the problem again. Jane also successfully treated both my elbows, both thumbs, my left Achilles tendon, and I once had an overall body treatment that was immensely rejuvenating. I call Jane my “Savior”. She changed my whole outlook on life. She is a miracle worker!”

Jack Schneider
Manager, Gotham, Inc.

“I was suffering both physically and mentally from years of chronic musculoskeletal disorders – back, neck, shoulder and rib pain. I had difficulty keeping my balance while walking, standing, and sitting. The only comfortable position for me was lying down. Just going to the restroom, putting on my shoes, or simply holding a telephone was hard for me to do. I’ve visited various doctors throughout the years. I made frequent visits to different chiropractors, acupuncturists, orthopedic surgeons and others, but nothing had worked. After running out of doctors to see, I simply ran out of hope and became depressed. Then I found Jane’s website. Honestly, the description of the content seemed too good to be true. All the doctors told me that their treatments would improve my conditions, but unfortunately they did not. I could not trust anybody at this point. So I waited a few weeks to see Jane. Miraculously, I felt a great relief after the first visit! My condition was very severe. But after a few visits, most of my pain disappeared and I had better balance which brought back hope. Jane’s therapy has helped and improved most of my symptoms. I’m very fortunate that I found her. And I thank her from the bottom of my heart.”

Shin N.

“Jane’s Apotherapy corrected pain that existed in my neck, shoulder and back. Other areas were also addressed, namely: arthritis in my hands, wrists & fingers, circulatory problems, hernia, and posture issues. It also improved my skin and muscle tone. Jane’s Apotherapy is a testimony to my good health.”

Alyce Broul

“I would like to tell everyone about how great Jane’s Apotherapy is and how it has helped me. For many years after the birth of my daughter I suffered from chronic abdominal pain. My pain had gotten so severe that I was not able to walk more than a few blocks! No one seems to know why I was having pain because all of the tests performed came back normal. I have seen different doctors, therapists, acupuncturists and herbalists, spent tens and thousands of dollars in an effort to save myself from excruciating pain. The only thing the doctors could confirm to me was that I had scar tissues. One day I came across Jane’s Apotherapy through the internet. I have to say that I felt better after only one session! I am grateful that I am able to live a normal life again without pain. Without hesitation, I would highly recommend Jane’s Apotherapy for anyone who has scar tissues and abdominal troubles. Thank you Jane for the tremendous help.”

Christine Nguyen


NYC Alternative Massage Therapy, 119 W. 57th St. Suite 511, New York, NY 10019 (Midtown Manhattan)
Pain Specialist: Chiropractic Adjustment, Osteopathic, Orthopedic, PT Physical Therapy, Alternative Dance Sports Medicine, Podiatry, Pain Management Rehabilitation, Respiratory Therapy, Oncology, Integrative Holistic Health Natural Healing Internal Medicine, Jane’s Apotherapy, Day Spa Massage: Swedish, Shiatsu, Thai, Medical, Sports, Reflexology, Prenatal, Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, Acupuncture Point & Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure.

“I first went to Jane with debilitating lower back pain, as well as constant head aches from TMJ. After the first treatment I felt nearly 95% relief. Yes. You have redness. Yes. you have to be prepared for the treatment you are going to… and that Jane is an EXPERT IN!! She is the real deal and truly delivers. Besides her treatment, she gives the most wonderful and healing massages and caters to what you want and need. I have referred many friends from musicians to baseball players and they all can testify to my review. Jane is a wonderful gift.”

Review by T. L. Manhattan, NY

“What western medicine could not do for my Achilles heel injury in a year, Jane Lee cured in half an hour! Believe it! My name is Chris and I am a decathlon, heptathlon athlete attending a Div. II college in PA. I hurt my Achilles heel in Nov. of 2011 doing my approach to the High Jump. Many orthopedists and Physical therapist later, no positive result occurred. I missed participating the entire school year. This summer my trainer sent me home saying that he did not know what else to do to fix this problem. I found Jane, gave her a try and to my amazement my problem was gone. All I can say is that she kneads the affected area with a flat rounded rock with varying degrees of pressure and presto-chango away goes the pain. I recommend Jane to anyone with this problem. I say give her a try. It is not invasive. You have nothing to loose. If it works you go home amazed , like I was. If it doesn’t, you are right back where you started from. Give it a try! And it feels good also.”

Review by Chris Ammann

“Let me just say, Jane didn’t just put me back to normal, SHE PUT ME BACK TO PERFECT— and it only took ONE visit! Not only have I been completely cured for almost 9 months now (after experiencing indescribable amounts of pain in my hips/ lower back for over 18 years, and seeing absolutely every “specialist” around the world), but my flexibility, turn out, AND leg extensions are far better than anything I have ever trained for in the past 18 years of my dancing career. If only I had discovered her 18 years ago, I can only imagine where I’d be at with my dancing now! :) I am not kidding you! She is a magical fairy god mother. I could never in all my life ask for anything more from someone. She is now known as my guardian angel, who literally and figuratively, saved my life, as well as my dancing career. I could never thank her enough for her services and how well she takes care of me. Her warm and thoughtful personality, and sweet, sweet soul, lingers with me every single day. God bless you Jane– you are my angel! I promise you, she will never let you down. I would never, ever recommend someone other than Jane– go and see for yourself! You’ll come to realize miracles do actually come true!

Review by Ellen Holme

“amazing. cured my Morton’s neuroma in one session… after doctors telling me i needed injections to kill the nerve… no thanks!”
“AGAIN.. people don’t understand this treatment used for natural healing. had severe sinusitis after a long business trip in Europe. took everything in Duane Reade for it. went in to see Jane.. had the stone scraping treatment for 1 hr – woke up next day completely cured – sinuses drained, felt even better than normal. natural treatments always the best.”

Review by Alexandra G. New York, NY

it really works i been trying a lot of things for my feet , like medicine, epsom salt, warm water , creams ,,,,, etc and i just find her on google and i call her and same day i get the appointment. she just work on my feet and i just walking 100% better i recommend her”

Review by Julian Z. New York, NY

“Jane was a life saver giving me a same day appointment to relieve my pain after 4 day of surgery. I felt 80 % wonderful after the lymphatic massage. Jane uses her hands with a nice soft touch and a nice lotion to make the body feel smooth. Jane is patience and understanding about the pain and the best position that you can be in.  Jane gave advice on how to sleep more comfortably after the procedure. That was very helpful ongoing at home. If you needed immediate relief go to jane.”

Review by Passionay Y. New York, NY

“I have had a wonderful experience with Jane. I first met her a year ago as I was having pain in my neck due to a herniated disc. I went the tradition route with physical therapy, which did not alleviate or improve the pain. I honestly think the PT made it worse. After some research on the internet I came across Jane’s website. After my 1 session with Jane I felt so much better. The improvements continued over the time as I was pain free. Jane is very dedicated to her work which shows in the care she puts forth with her patients. I have referred her to many people and will continue to do so as she does an exceptional job.”

Review by Amanda Dizney

“Jane’s medical joint pain scrapings have brought my body and my two son’s bodies back to life. We are a very physical family and injuries happen from time to time. She has repaired our backs, shoulders, knees and arms. We believe that Jane has saved us from surgery. And don’t let the term “scraping” scare you. My son found it so relaxing that he fell asleep during one of her sessions. Our family highly recommends going to NYC Alternative Massage Therapy.”

Review by Todd Feldman

“I can’t thank Jane enough for the care and effort she has given me on my road to recovery. She has essentially given me back the use of my right foot. Last winter, I fractured my foot skiing. It was an extremely  frustrating condition because my foot swelled up so large that I wasn’t able to fit my foot into a shoe and I would feel electrical jolts in the foot upon walking. Before meeting Jane I tried physical therapy, rounds of acupuncture, walked in a special boot, and saw several podiatrists. After a couple months of various treatments I had an MRI done showing the area of inflammation. Oddly enough some locations of inflammation were not where the pain was.
In basic terms Jane’s treatment involves scraping the area of pain with a stone. As she scrapes, embedded scar tissue is cleared up and circulation to the area is restored. Without knowing the full details of the MRI, Jane sensed where to scrape.  Restoring circulation is vital to allow the body to heal. After treatment, Jane urged me to avoid using the foot for a couple days. My foot turned bright red, but after a couple days, the redness went away. I probably had more treatments than most patients because she had to undo previous damage from acupuncture. After a couple treatments, I was able to fit my foot in a sneaker again, and have not felt electrical shocks in my foot ever since. The temporary redness in the foot indicated healing. The tissue in my foot was regenerating before my eyes.
I would recommend Jane to anyone. I recommend her to friends and family, and she has treated my son for digestive and skin issues too. Her bedside manner is pleasant. She created a relaxed atmosphere for my 10 year old son and made him feel very comfortable during treatment.”

Review by H L. Manhattan, NY

“Jane is AMAZING! After having been to many Dr’s regarding my sprained ankle tear (I was unable to walk) Dr’s told me I would be on crutches for two months…I found the miracle worker Jane went in she completely repaired my ankle in one treatment I walked out! It has been 3 years and good as new 3 treatments total..sending friends”

Review by Kim Schmidt

“I have gone to Jane’s Apotherapy three different times for 3 different issues. She is my go to person whenever i experience pain. Doctors want to perform surgery or give pills that disguise the pain but cure nothing.  Initally, i made an appointment for neck pain so bad i couldn’t sleep. I popped arthritis strength ibuprofen like tic tacs. I tried massage, doctors, nothing helped. One visit to Jane, getting the stone scraping and following her instructions and I haven’t experienced any pain. I have been to her twice about my 2 different knee issues, had an appointment today in fact and i feel 80% better. Diagnosed with arthritis in my knee, in great pain after sitting or going up & down stairs. I actually was able to easily descend the subway steps on my way home, also able to jump.  I will continue to go to Jane’s Apotherapy. She is knowledgable, professional but most of all her treatment is effective – with no side effects. My time is well spent and my body is all the better for having done so.”

Review by R P. Bronx, NY

“Jane is excellent at general massage and pain treatment therapy. I have been 6-7 times already for overall deep tissue and lymphatic drainage massage and am very happy with her work. My mom had lower back pain and I took her to an appointment with Jane and she had a serious relief of her pain post treatment. She has become my and my family go-to massage therapist. Jane offers 5min sample massages of various techniques to new clients who are unsure of what exactly they may want. She does not accept insurance but her highly effective treatment is very well worth the money. The services are very reasonably priced – comparable to other massage treatments. I highly recommend Jane’s therapy options.”

Review by Milena Todorova

“I’ve been to Jane’s therapy several times 5 years ago, she was able to treat my chest, knee and ankle pains. I’m back this week with my new pain in my right elbow and right knee arthritis. My primary doctor asked me to go to physical therapy doctor and other therapist, but they weren’t able to treat them for several months.
And, finally decided to go back to Jane. Now, the pains were subsiding and will be back for follow up adjustment and will later have an Allergy therapy. Even she doesn’t accept insurance, her fees are reasonable enough to get my pains well treated that doctors can’t.

Review by Ray Agui

“I’ve been to Janes apotherapy to help with my sciatica and IT Band pain. I walked out practically pain free after just one treatment from her. Would highly recommend!”

Review by Mary S. New York, NY

“Jane is amazing and so sweet! I came has ostrigonum in my ankle and a pulled hamstring muscle. My hamstring was completely cured after 1 visit and this is the only nonsurgical treatment that has helped with my ostrigonum. Also, I came to her with a knee injury that was cured after one visit. The red marks completely go away in a few days (I have light, sensitive skin so it takes a little longer on me!) but it is a small price to pay for being cured from injuries that had been bothering me for months/years!”

Review by Cara T. Manhattan, NY

“A friend of mine referred me to Jane when I was complaining lower back pain due to the job (we are both bakers). In fact, I was starting to experience nerve pain down my leg at night. My friend told me that she had also suffered from chronic back pain until she started seeing Jane. I went for the apotherapy, where she asks you to point to the area of pain, and then takes a flat piece of smooth plastic (I think it’s plastic?…or stone), and rubs it over the affected area, and/or the surrounding muscles. I had no idea how tight and seized my back muscles were until after my session, and it was easier to move around! Jane warned me not to exert myself for a day or two, so I took it easy. Although I was sore that first day after treatment, the second day was better because the nerve pain was lessened dramatically. By the 4th day, my nerve pain was completely gone! I take better care of myself now (stretching, yoga, drinking more water, etc.) but there’s no way I could have healed so quickly without the apotherapy. I’ve been to Jane’s a few times to treat different areas, all with great success. I tell all my friends about Jane, and they have all had great results.”

Review by Sheena O.

“I went there several times for a massage and the experience was always great. Jane really knows what she’s doing. I went there because of a lot of tension in my back and shoulders causing headaches and she did a very good job to relive that. After every massage I feel very relaxed and had no more headaches since my first visit. Jane is very attentive and professional and puts emphasis on her work. She checks if the pressure level is okay, stretches my muscles and really gets the tightness and aches out. I highly recommend her. The place is well located in Midtown and easy to reach by subway.”

Review by Mobi Sacher

“I walked out of an orthopedic surgeon office after he told me i needed a knee(s) replacement, and began looking for an alternative way to cure my problem. I had just returned from Greece and it seemed strange as i listened to the doctor after climbing all those ruins a month before. The best thing that came from his diagnosis was that there are alternatives. I was very fortunate and met Jane via my search on the internet I not only have my knees but I have no pain; Jane was wonderful and cured my problem. When I have any new symptoms, ankle pain, or back pain, I phone Jane. All my friends know about her, and I have handed her cards to people on the street. I hope they try her therapy and are as successful as i have been.”

Review by Sharon Stepman

“I visited Jane’s prior to moving out of the city a couple years ago and had great results from the treatment to help with neck tightness. I had plans in the city last week and Jane was able to accommodate my limited schedule to fit me in. I received the treatment and was pleased with the results again. The tightness in my neck is much improved and I felt she really took her time to make sure the issues were addressed before leaving.”

Review by Amanda C. Jersey City, New Jersey, NJ

“I don’t know what happened with the person named Starr who is calling Jane a fraud, but this WAS NOT my experience at all. Because of Starr’s terrible review of Jane’s Apotherapy, I felt I had to write about my very positive experience. I had surgery on my foot and then 8 months after I was still in pain – pain that had moved into my calf area. Jane used the Stone Apotherapy treatment and I have not had pain since. I had such amazing results that I referred my friend who was having chronic back pain to Jane. He went to Jane and also did the Stone therapy and also had amazing results – he is no longer in pain. This was back in November 2012, and I just talked to him this past week and he said his back is still feeling great – that he has referred his Mother and others. I must admit that it sounds very odd to not have any pain after Jane’s Stone Apotherapy treatments, but it works!!! I would say if you are in pain, try the Stone Apotherapy – this is the treatment you want to end your pain without medication!!! Stop complaining about your pain and just go!!!”

Review by Joss T. Yorkville, Manhattan, NY

“I highly recommend her services. Jane is great, had painful bunion, right knee pain and sore chest …all of them were cured.
I’ve been going back and forth to Jane’s clinic for some adjustments if I feel some more pain still persist. I can say that she did very good treatments after those adjustments. Because of my good experience, I went back also for treatments of my feet’s plantar fasciitis and left knee this time. So far so good, I’m on the healing time and feel better and will know later if I need some adjustments if some more pain persist.”

Review by Ray A. Woodside, NY

“Jane is a rare find – someone with special healing skills. I came to Jane to get help for a toe joint that was injured when my two year old jumped on me and landed square on my foot. A podiatrist had given a series of injections that did not really help. Surgery was suggested. Jane’s gentle approach definitely lessened my pain and inflammation. Her technique helps me manage my foot post injury. I recommend Jane and her therapy for foot and joint injuries.”

Review by Inna I. Bergen County, New Jersey, NJ

“I was recommended to go to Jane from my Fiance who was RAVING about her after she fixed her bulging disc in her neck. I store stress in my neck and shoulders that had gotten so bad I was getting regular migraines. As others are staying, this is not a spa massage. I ended up with bruising all throughout the area she worked on me, but it felt great. I haven’t gotten a migraine since then (it’s been a few weeks) and felt she got out more of the tension than any massage I have had before. I do not believe she is a cure all for everyone, but as long as you aren’t going to her with any tears or injuries that should require surgery than I highly recommend her services. She even thought I tipped her too much and gave me money back so that it was more in line with her recommend 18% (I don’t think I tipped that much more than the recommended amount).”

Review by Rich F. Manhattan, NY

“Jane is really amazing! She’s very attentive to her customers and makes sure her customers are very comfortable. I go there for massages and you will not regret going there for a massage. I went for the first time and told my mom about it and she went…AND LOVED IT!”

Review by Syl P. Bronx, NY

“Jane has done wonders for me over the years. As I have gotten a bit older, I have experienced more injuries doing the things I love (running central park, weight lifting, yoga, etc.). When I used to get injured the doctor would tell me not to do anything for 4 to 6 weeks and use ice/NSAIDs. I would get really depressed and feel like all my health and wellness goals were slipping away. Then I found Jane. Not only did she fix my injuries, many of them recurring, and get me back to my fitness lifestyle within days, my overall injury rate has dropped dramatically since I have been working with Jane. Know I just go for the relaxing massage and a touch up once in awhile. I highly recommend Jane and her services. They are worth every penny!”

Review by Gary M. New York, NY

“Jane promises to do one thing: Help cure whatever ailment is troubling you. She did that for me, and many others I know. I first saw Jane in college when I was a runner on Columbia University’s Track and Field Team. I had injured my hamstring and was unable to participate in many of my meets because of the agonizing pain. My coaches had sent a few of my teammates to Jane and they all raved about how they were cured after their first and only treatment. Mind you, we all went in for different reasons…hamstrings, quads, and knee issues. So, I figured I would give it a try and see if I could have the same success. I will have to say that her apotherapy treatment is not a “spa massage”. There will be periods of discomfort, but honestly, noting hurt more than trying to run on a busted hamstring. After my treatment, Jane told me not to take ibuprofen or anything else for the pain. She said that I would feel much better in the morning, if not 100% better. The next day I was doing a track workout with one of the guys that would be going to Penn Relays in my place because of my injury. I was honestly just there to help him get in a good workout. However, not only was I able to complete the workout, I totally destroyed him! My coach came up to me and said, “I hope you are ready to go to Penn Relays”. Anyway, to keep this short, we won the relay and I ran my fastest time of the year during that race. I went from limping around to smashing my PR in the 400m in just 3 days! I also visited Jane recently when I was having horrible headaches. She helped with that as well. Jane is a true healer, and I will continue to go back to her for years to come.”

Review by Cory B. New York, NY

“Jane’s Apotherapy is amazing. I had a sore back muscle and scoliosis pain and I went for ONE apotherapy session and both immediately felt better. I go for weekly massages now and my back has never felt better. I sit in an office chair all day so it gets very sore, but Jane’s massage helps enormously. Jane herself is an excellent masseuse and apotherapy specialist. She’s very considerate of requests and listens to the patient. 5 stars for Jane’s Apotherapy!”

Review by Kate A. New York, NY

“Love Jane! She’s done a fantastic job treating me over the 5 years that I have known her. I’m a competitive athlete that needs to stay on my feet for each of my upcoming competitions. I can’t risk any down time due to pain or injury. I’ve been to many massage therapists and physical therapists in NYC and will only return to Jane’s. What impressed me the most about Jane is that she took the time to understand my injures and where most of the pain resides. She then carefully works that area and all the surrounding areas to make sure my muscles are ready to preform. During the hour long treatment she stopped to get some feedback from me. This is important as it’s sometimes difficult to explain to someone where the pain is and what it feels like. She addressed all my concerns during the session. After I left her studio she called me that night to check up on me and even called me a few days later to ask how I was feeling! I trust Jane to continue to heal me.”

Review by Justine W. Manhattan, NY

“I was visiting NYC for the holidays and was almost 2 weeks post abdominal liposuction.  I felt comfortable with traveling, however, I still had significant swelling in the lower abdominal area.  Plus the area was very hard.
I had done a lot of research on lymphatic drainage massage because quite frankly the swelling was freaking me out a bit.  Yes, my plastic surgeon told me that I would be very swollen in that area but hearing about it and seeing it are two completely different things!!
I had read a lot about Jane’s services and I told myself that if I had time I would give her a try; I had nothing to lose.  At the end of my trip, a very narrow window opened for me late in the day so I gave her a call.  To my surprise, she made time for me even though I was not able to get to her until 7:30!
Once I arrived, she talked to me about my health history and recent surgery.  She looked at my swelling and reassured me everything was fine and recommended we have an hour session.
She was very thorough and did not rush the massage.  Additionally, she provided me with instructions as to how to perform a self lymphatic drainage massage once I got home.
It has been 5 days since I saw Jane and the swelling has gone done tremendously!!!!  I’m sure those reading this may  attribute this to time passing, but I will tell you my lower abdomen was HUGE!!  In five days the difference in swelling is miraculous and I feel better!  Physically and mentally!  I am so happy that I called and that she was so accommodating.
I live approximately 800 miles from NYC and I travel to NY about 4-5 times/yr.  I will definitely schedule time with her every time I am in New York going forward.  I highly recommend her!!”

Review by Nik C. Atlanta, GA

“I saw Jane twice for back pain/neuralgia that I had suffered with for years. Once about 3 years ago and a follow up visit a year later. First, let me tell you one thing-she did NOT tell me I needed more than 1 session and was not looking to profit off of me. She said that if she can use her full strength, I would not need to come back and she will heal me. She used a stone to rub the painful area.  Not knowing what I was in store for, I said go for it. The next morning, I looked like my shoulder blade was beaten by a strong man. I was definitely scared and my friends were mortified. She said not to worry and that I will be ok. Well, after 2 days I never felt better.  After years of doctors misdiagnosing me, I was pain free. About a year later I went to Jane for a “touch up“.  So 2 years after that, I am thinking of going back for a light massage. I had to look her up again and found all these people putting her down. If you are going on a TV show in a few days, don’t schedule this. If you cant handle a strong massage, don’t bother. If you are looking for results and can handle anything, then make an appointment. You will be bruised to the point where you cant look at it- it’s scary. So don’t look at it. End of story. I can’t stress enough how she wasn’t interested in my money. She only wanted to see me pain free. That is a healer who loves what she does. Can your medical doctor make the same claim? . LOVE YOU JANE- THANK YOU!!”

Review by Rona H. New York, NY

“I’ve been going to Jane from time to time for over ten years for treatment of whatever ails me. Her Apotherapy is the most powerful and effective pain management discipline I have ever known. She has provided me with miraculous results usually in only a one hour treatment whether it was my back, my shoulders, my knees, my elbow, my hamstrings and more. I’m pretty fit for my age but when pain issues arise occasionally Jane is my first line of defense before I consider doctor visits or physical therapy. She’s a miracle worker and my savior on many occasions and well worth the out of pocket cost as you can’t put a price on genuine pain relief. I’ve recommend her to many friends and relatives and I only feel remiss that I’m not more proactive in seeing her for preventive or rejuvenating treatments as opposed to fixing pain issues that sometimes occur.”

Review by Jack Schneider

“I originally looked at JAMT’s Yelp reviews and was sort of hesitant.  However, I called another place Balance and something for a same day massage — they were rude.  I called JAMT, and got a call back about 1 hour later — Jane accomodated me immediately.  Granted the facility being used is temporary while the renovations are being done, it seems fine; I’m a germaphob.  She was really nice, explained the digs situation, and was very cool when I was talking to her.  She did not try to push other treatments on me, of scoffed at the fact that I also have a chiropractor in my life.  I got the traditional swedish massage, and it was good.  Everyone’s experience is not going to be the same, but mine was good.  Will I go  back, pretty sure I will.  I was very comfortable with her.”

Review by Benanna P. Brooklyn, NY

“I never tried apotherapy before but had heard of it and love trying new things so I made an appointment. It was interesting and surprisingly my face cleared! What I also like about Jane is that she gave me her own tips that seemed to have worked – a regime I never thought about trying before. I had been seeing all sort of aestheticians and no one has given me as good as results as NYC Alternative Massage Therapy.”

Review by Tricia


~ 212-586-9550 | EMAIL ~

NYC Alternative Massage Therapy, Injury Pain Specialist - 119 West 57th St. Suite 511, New York City, NY 10019 (6-7th Ave. West Side NYC Midtown Manhattan, Across From Carnegie Hall)
-It Is Required To Be NY State Licensed (NYS) To Work As A Massage Therapist In New York.
-Gift Certificate Card Available. Worth Visiting Also For New Jersey NJ & Out Of State/ USA Clients.

-Swedish Massage, Japanese Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Medical Massage Therapy, Sports Massage, Foot Reflexology, Prenatal/ Postnatal Maternal Pregnancy Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy, Acupuncture Point & Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure New York City Day Spa LMT Therapeutic Massage.

-Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Podiatry, PT Physical Therapy, Dance Sports Medicine, Pain Management, Occupational Rehabilitation Adjustment, Neurology, Oncology, Osteopathic, Respiratory, Alternative Internal Medicine, Eastern Integrative Holistic Health, Injury, Pain, Vascular Vein & Skin Care New York City Medical Spa Treatment. 

-Unique multi specialty techniques can be applied to all body parts for sore hurting injury pain or medical condition solutions (best alternative to surgery and laser treatment in NYC): arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, sprain, strain, spasm, cramp, fibromyalgia, herniated disc, bulging disc, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, spondylitis, scoliosis, kyphosis, whiplash, sciatica, pinched nerve, TMJ, TMD, toothache, tooth-gum dental ache, sinusitis, rhinitis, hearing loss, tinnitus earache, migraine headache, Bell's palsy, facial paralysis, esophagitis, bone spur, rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, tennis golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, Morton's neuroma, bunion, plantar fasciitis, hammertoe, clawfoot, shin splint, meniscus, ACL, patellar ligament, Achilles tendon, ganglion, cyst, seroma, tumor, lump, benign fibroid, fibroma, cancer leukemia lymphoma cancerous lymphedema, swelling edema, goiter, thyroid gland enlargement hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, SCM spasm/ SCM strain, vocal cord callus nodule, sound dysphonia, laryngeal tension tightness, throat-eye-ear pain, loss of hearing, ringing in ears tinnitus, head dizziness vertigo, adhesion, keloid, hernia, hiatus hiatal hernia, heartburn, acid reflux, Crohn's disease colitis infection, inflammatory irritable bowel (IBD, IBS), stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallbladder inflammation, gallstone, kidney stone, colon indigestion, constipation, metabolism, abdominal bloating, groin strain, pelvic pain, rectum rectal prolapse, hemorrhoid, prostatitis, overactive/ over-active bladder (OAB), bladder control, urinary retention-incontinence, infertility fertility, internal organ disease, asthma, hypertension high blood pressure, circulation, coronary artery plaque blockage, angina pectoris, palpitation/ fast heart beat palpitation, heart attack, lung fibrosis, bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, thoracic outlet syndrome, acupuncture tissue damage, acupuncture nerve damage, neuralgia, neuropathy, foot neuropathy, limb shaking by acupuncture stimulation, numbness, blood clot, burning pain, heaviness, weight control, multiple sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, fracture callus, osteoporosis, epidural steroid-cortisone side effects, hair loss, spider vein, varicose vein & cellulite New York City medical treatment.

-Best Benefit NYC Non-Surgical Natural Therapy Alternative Option. Physician Surgeon, Specialist Doctor, Chiropractor, Podiatrist, Orthopedist, Osteopath, Massage Physical Therapist, Pain Management, Occupational Rehabilitation Adjustment, Respiratory Care, Sports Medicine, Acupuncturist, Neurologist, Oncologist, Cupping, Graston Technique Alternative, Pak Sha, Gua Sha Specialist Expert, East Integrative Complementary & Holistic Internal Chinese Medicine Clinic natural healing cure remedy in NYC for body, mind, scalp, head, occiput/ occipital, ear, eye, sinus, chin, throat, esophagus, jaw, neck, back (upper, mid, low back), chest, breast, rib, intercostal, flank, oblique, abdominal belly, limb, shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, thumb, finger-fingertip, pinky, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot, heel, arch, sole, toe-tip, great big-little toe, spine, cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar/ sacral vertebrae (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, sacrum, coccyx tail bone, SI joint), bone marrow, lymph node, muscle, joint, labrum labral injury, internal organs, esophagus, diaphragm, heart, lung, liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidney, gall bladder, large small intestine, colon, bladder, prostate, ovarian ovary, uterine uterus, disease, acute or chronic pain complaint, overused vocal cord voice singing & musician injury New York City medical treatment.

Athlete Sports Strength Active Integrative Enhancement NYC:
Gymnastics, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Pickleball, Volleyball, Marathon Race, Running, Jumping, Skiing, Swimming, Biking, Wrestling, Dancing, Weight Lifting, Body Build, Exercise, Workout & Fitness.

Top Quality Good Price NYC Day Spa Massage & Treatment:
Facial, Bodywork, Massage Therapy (Swedish, Shiatsu, Thai, Medical, Sports, Reflexology, Prenatal, Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, Acupuncture Point Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure Massage), Cosmetic Plastic Surgery/ Liposuction/ Tummy Tuck Post Surgery Massage Therapy, Cupping, Graston Technique Alternative, Pak Sha, Gua Sha Expert, Chinese Herb, Moxa-Moxibustion, Laser Alternative Aesthetics Skin Care, Scar Tissue, Acne Scar, Body Lipo Sculpting, Lipo Cavitation, Fat Removal, Cellulite, Stretch Mark, Spider Varicose Vein, Callus, Puffy Bulging Eye Bag, Dark Circle, Wrinkle Line Reduction (Facial, Forehead, Under Eye, Upper Lip, Around Mouth, Throat), Hair Loss, Collagen Botox Injection/ Laser Anti-Aging Facelift Alternative, Weight Loss, Muscle Skin Tightening & Toning New York City Day Spa Treatment.


Read NYC Massage, Therapy, Injury & Pain Treatment Testimonials:
Massage Therapy (Swedish, Shiatsu, Thai Stretch, Medical, Sports, Reflexology, Prenatal, Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, Acupuncture Point & Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure Massage), Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Podiatry, Physical Therapy PT Massage, Dance Sports Medicine, Pain Management, Occupational Rehabilitation Adjustment, Neurology, Oncology, Osteopathic, Respiratory, Alternative Internal Medicine, Eastern Integrative Holistic Health, Vascular Vein or Cosmetic Skin Care New York City Medical Day Spa Treatment.



NYC Alternative Massage Therapy
119 West 57th St. SUITE 511.
New York City, NY 10019
(Manhattan, 6-7th Ave.)

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